How to read a contraction screen
The fetal heart rate is usually on the top of a computer screen, with the contractions on the bottom. Graph paper that is printed has the fetal heart rate to the left and the contractions to the right. Though it is often easier to read these by looking at them sideways so that they resemble the graph above. How to read labor contractions on monitor. in and put something on the baby's head to get a better reading on her heartbeat and stuck a catheter thingy in me to read my contractions. Well when the nurse came back in to check me both had come off and nothing was getting read about me or my daughter. So she put the monitor with the straps Your Contraction Monitor: What You See is Not Always What You Get by Chaunie Brusie, RN, BSN “Ooooo, that was a good one!” my patient’s husband proclaimed, his eyes fixated on the monitor screen where her contractions were displayed, lined up one after another, like perfect sledding hills.